Al Habous Neighborhood

About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Casablanca

  • Address : Near the Arab League Park , Casablanca.

  • Category : Urban Facilities

  • Establishing Date : 1917

Al Habous Neighborhood


"Al Ahbas Neighborhood '' is located near the Royal Palace, is the old market in Casablanca and one of the old neighborhoods dating back to the French colonial period, which is known to locals as "Al Habous".

The neighborhood includes one of the oldest markets in Casablanca, which includes many shops selling handicrafts, carpets and copper in addition to traditional Moroccan clothes.

The neighborhood is intended by many tourists from different countries of the world, as it combines traditional architecture and modern facilities, which makes it an important tourist region as a commercial market.

Historic Overview:

"Al Ahbas" is the second old city of Casablanca after the Ancient City of Bab Marrakesh, and it dates back to the year 1917 AD when it was designed by French architects and it took ten years to be built.

The name "Al Habous" refers to the building of the neighborhood on an area of four hectares of land confined for the benefit of the Ministry of Endowments (Awqaf) and Islamic Affairs by a Moroccan Jew called "Haim Bin Dahan," in order to separate Moroccan Muslims from the Europeans at the time by the French colonialist.

The neighborhood was then a place inhabited by the Moroccan bourgeoisie, especially those coming from Fez, and today it has become a popular neighborhood inhabited by ordinary people from the common people.

"Al Ahbas" Neighborhood or "Al Habous", as it is spoken by the residents of Casablanca, celebrates this year the passing of a full century since its construction.

Architectural Description:

The aforementioned architects were inspired the design and construction of the neighborhood by the ancient Arab and Islamic architecture in the same manner of the ancient cities of Marrakech, Fez and other Moroccan cities. You hardly pass through an alley unless you are attracted by the many arches and archways, green spaces, narrow winding paths, traditional shops and cafes that still witness time and people who have passed away.




Ash Sharq Al Awsat




















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