Old Clock Tower

About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Casablanca

  • Address : Casablanca 20250, Morocco

  • Category : Urban Facilities

  • Establishing Date : The beginning of the twentieth century in the year 1994 AD

  • founder : The French captain "Dessigny"

Old Clock Tower

La Tour de l'Horloge


"Old Clock Tower" in Casablanca is located at the UN Square near Bab Marrakesh in the Ancient City of Casablanca, and it is situated on a tower in the form of a silo.

The Old Clock is among the beautiful places that visitors to the city visit to take photos and enjoy its wonderful view.

It was built during the beginning of the twentieth century by the French captain "Dessini".

The building was destroyed due to its fragility during the middle of the twentieth century to be rebuilt after that in 1994 AD.

"Old Clock Tower” was built at a height of twenty meters and appears as a lighthouse in the city of Casablanca. There is currently a police station at the bottom of the Square, as it is at the entrance to the Ancient City and is considered a point of attraction for Arab and foreign tourists visiting the city.

















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