Plage Lalla Meryem

About the place

Plage Lalla Meryem


Plage Lalla Meryem is one of the beaches located on the Atlantic coast of Ain Diab Corniche in Casablanca.

The beach is a destination for vacationers and recreation enthusiasts from inside and outside the countries.

"Plage Lalla Meryem" affiliated to the Anfa province in the greater city is one of the beaches that provide a camp for children, which is a distinctive destination for families and children, and provides a beautiful place for recreation and enjoyment of the summer atmosphere.

"Plage Lalla Meryem" is characterized by its pure sand and clear water, that attracts visitors and lovers of beach walking and jogging sports.

The beach also provides many spaces to receive vacationers in full respect of hygiene conditions and preserving the health of vacationers and their children.

There are also many city protection personnel on the beach who ensure the safety of children and vacationers and provide the first aid and emergency response mechanisms for rescue.










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