United Nations Square

About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Casablanca

  • Address : Casablanca 20250, Morocco

  • Category : Urban Facilities

Place des Nations Unies

United Nations Square


"Place des Nations Unies" in Bab Marrakesh, Casablanca City, is an extension of Paris Square, which was built during the 1930s.

The Square is located in the center of the city and gained great fame in the city, as residents call it "the Earth" in relation to the Earth made of solid iron bars in the place.

The square is full all day long, where there are iron chairs that enable the visitor to sit and watch the fascinating life in the city whose streets do not sleep day and night.

It became a haven for the people of Casablanca to bring their children and break their daily routine.

Now it is a place for all visitors from different cities as well as from different continents of the world for fun and cultural exchange.

It is situated near all places of entertainment and marketing in Downtown, and a group of random professions such as selling "briwat", sweets and nuts have grown in it.

It is characterized by its proximity to the large commercial center "the Pyrenees" in Casablanca, to Al Hammam Square and to a group of popular and upscale cafes in the city, which makes it constantly crowded.



















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