Twin Center

About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Casablanca

  • Address : Casablanca 20250, Morocco

  • Category : Urban Facilities

  • Establishing Date : 1999

  • founder : Catalan architect Ricardo Bofill

Twin Center


"Twin Center" or "Tours Jumelles de Casablanca" is one of the most important tourist attractions in Casablanca, which imposes itself as one of the largest tourist attractions in the city of Casablanca as a high-rise building in the sky of Casablanca.

The Twin Centers are located in Al Maarif neighborhood in the heart of Casablanca, at the intersection of Zarqtouni Street and Al Masirah Al Khadra Street. 

Casablanca's Twin Centers are the tallest buildings in Morocco. They are two skyscrapers in the city, reaching a height of 115 meters, and the two buildings were built on an area of 93 thousand square meters.

They were designed by the Catalan architect, "Ricardo Bofill". The two buildings have 29 floors, including four floors under the level of the ground, which was completed in 1999.

"Twin Center" is an economic center that includes many companies specialized in the field of finance and business and attracts visitors and businessmen from different countries of the world.  
















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