Ancienne Medina

About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Casablanca

  • Address : Casablanca 20250, near the port of Casablanca, Morocco

  • Category : Urban Facilities

Ancienne Medina


"The Old City" or "The Ancient Medina," is an old neighborhood located near the port of Casablanca; it is a neighborhood with a long history, and buildings and mosques with an ancient history.

It was built in the form of the rest of the ancient cities in various Moroccan cities, where it is surrounded by a wall and has main doors, the most famous of which is the Marrakesh Gate, which is one of the worth visiting tourist places of Casablanca.

It is one of the vibrant neighborhoods in the city despite its old age, as there are many shops specialized in selling traditional and leather products, which attract many tourists from various Arab and foreign countries of the world.

"Ancienne Medina" is also a place for shopping and buying various needs of clothes, gold and silver jewelry, which makes it a tourist destination for Arab and foreign travelers.

 It is surrounded by walls that have a long history, but only some of these walls remain; the wall overlooks the Atlantic Ocean and part of the wall overlooks Velisk Hovowit Street and the other overlooks Al-Taher Al-Alawi Street where the historic gate is located in Marrakesh Gate. The city walls were demolished during the earthquake of 1775 AD.





As Sharq Al Awsat
















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