Outa el Hammam Square

About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Chefchaouen

  • Address : Chefchaouen, Morocco

  • Category : Urban Facilities

Outa el Hammam Square

Place Outa el Hammam


• Outa el Hammam Square is a public square in the old city, and it is the city's historical and tourist pole, because all roads lead to it.

• This square contains the Grand Mosque and the Kasbah, and many festivals are held there, such as the Northern Ghariya Festival and the International Festival of Arab Theater.

Historic overview:

• The square, in its cosmic dimension, constituted a field that embraced science, culture and education, as this is evident in the remains of the civil school that adjoins the Qadiriya Zawiya, where this school witnessed activities in education, guidance and indoctrination of knowledge since the thirties until after independence, as well as the traditional building adjacent to the Grand Mosque, where a shelter Students and the presence of a library for reading (Café Zaitan currently).

• The square was an essential station for national action, as it was a place for crowds that organized in modern manifestations that rejoiced and grew up demanding freedom, dignity and independence.

• On various feasts and occasions, the square used to receive visits from Al Akhmas tribe, the return of pilgrims, the celebrations of the Prophet's birthday and the passing of the grooms, where drums were banging and banners were raised on the shoulders.

• The square also embraces the funerals of a venerable scholar, a simple person, or a hermit

Architectural Description:

• The square is surrounded by spiritual and religious symbols represented in the Grand Mosque, the Qadiriya Zawiya, the Scientific Zawiya, the Abu al-Hasan Ali al-Nawazli Zawiya, the Nasiriyah Zawiya, the Muhammad bin Hassan bin Rayson Zawiya, the Kasbah with its high towers and Dar al-Makhzen, which leads to the prison which is originally intended for the Portuguese invaders and after them the Spanish.

• This square bears the name of a traditional hammam gifted by a sultant to the public, where the Chefchaouen citizen performs ablution and washes.

• The square was established on an area of more than 300 square meters in an Andalusian architectural style, with a beautifully engineered water fountain in the middle. It still plays its economic role since its inception. The square was established in its early days to be a weekly market for Chefchaouen and its surroundings.


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