
About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Chefchaouen

  • Address : Medshar Taourart, Morocco

  • Category : Urban Facilities



The charming "Akchour" region is a popular destination for tourists in the "Chefchaouen" district.

It is a very beautiful mountainous area located on the road between "Oued Laou" and "Chouen-Chefchaouen", 30 km from "Chefchaouen", in the north of Morocco and close to "Tangier" and "Tetouan".

Akchour Chefchaouen Waterfalls are located within the Talassemtane Nature Reserve, 30 km from the city of Chefchaouen.

As for the low water spring Akchour Chefchaouen, it provides you with the pleasure of bathing in its clear, very blue water, where you feel comfortable and relaxed, but it is preferable to do this in the summer because the weather in Morocco is very cold in winter, and the water spring is inside a reserve and therefore there are no outlets or shops selling tools and clothes for swimming, so you must bring them with you as you go there.

How to get there:

There are different means of transportation specialized in the mountain roads that connect you to the tourist site of Akchour. During the way, you discover a very wonderful natural world, small rivers branching in different directions, and others that cut through the mountains.

At the entrance you will find a map of the site for the city of Chaouen and a charter of honor for the Association of Talassemtane for the Environment.

The entrance to "Akchour" gives you the impression that you are entering an underground cave and not heading to the top of the mountain.

Inside, there are two ways to climb to the top, either by land, which is the easy way to reach the summit, or by river and waterfalls, and advice to people who will choose this way to wear sneakers that are rough from the bottom to avoid slips during the walk, and they must be skilled swimmers because they will have to swim most of the time in very cold but refreshing water.

Although the bottom of the lake appears as if it is close, do not be deceived by walking, otherwise you will drown. Because of the clarity and purity of the water, we can see the bottom from a far place. Divers can climb on top of the rock and practice their hobby safely.


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urtrips website

omallqura website





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