Zawiya of Sidi Ahmed Tijani

About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Fes

  • Address : Blida, Fes, Morocco

  • Category : Celebrities Sites

  • Establishing Date : 1214 AH

Zawiya of Sidi Ahmed Tijani

Zaouia Sidi Ahmed Tijani


The start of construction work in this Zawiya dates back to Sunday, the fourth of Rabi’ al-Awwal in 1214 AH, and the work on its construction was completed in 1215 AH.

This landmark is popular with African followers, in particular, many and varied decorations have been made on it, the last of which are repairs and renovations that were made on the instructions of King "Mohammed VI".

The followers of the zawiya are very proud of Sheikh Sidi Ahmed al-Tijani, and the official website of the zawiya speaks of him as “a unique pride of Islam,” and “an example of the lofty thought, which is unparalleled in the past, in the present, and in the future.”

His lineage ends with Ali bin Abi Talib and to Fatimah al-Zahra, daughter of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Sheikh "Abu al-Abbas Ahmed al-Tijani" was born and grew up in this Algerian village before deciding to return to Morocco to seek knowledge, and finally he settled in Fez and establish his zawiya in which he was buried.

Sheikh Sidi Ahmed Tijani was born in 1150 AH corresponding to the year 1737 AD in Ain Madi in the Laghouat region, and was related to his maternal uncles and some of his grandfathers.

The Sheikh of Al-Tijanis mastered memorizing the Qur’an, when he was seven years old, and mastered memorizing the seven narrations to read it, along with other religious sciences before he reached the age of 21, and he memorized several texts, including “Matn Al-Bukhari”, “Matn Muslim”, and “Mukhtasar Khalil”, And “Matn Al Risala by Abu Zayd al-Qayrawani,” “Al-Dardir,” “Al-Desouki,” “Al-Madawwana,” and “Muwatta’ Imam Malik,” in addition to other texts that his followers say are numerous and difficult to enumerate.

After he was over 21 years old, he decided to leave the Algerian village to seek more knowledge.

His first trip was to Fez, and other cities of Morocco, while on his second trip he went to the holy lands to perform the pilgrimage, and then returned to Fez after stopping for a while in Tlemcen.


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