Mar Elias Batina Secondary School

About the place

  • Country : Lebanon , Beirut

  • Address : Mar Elias Batina School, Beirut, Lebanon

  • Category : Educational Centers

  • Establishing Date : The construction of this monastery dates back to before the nineteenth century.

Mar Elias Batina Secondary School


The school was previously a monastery called “The Monastery of the Prophet Elias Batina”, but now the monastery is occupied by the “Mar Elias Batina Secondary School” for the Greek Orthodox.

The construction of this monastery dates back to before the nineteenth century.

This school is a national educational institution and one of Orthodox schools which is affiliated to the Diocese of Beirut.

It is supervised by a board of trustees of the elite of people, and its management consists of a director, a general overseer and department officials assisted by a group of educational materials coordinators, and an educational body.

The school is located in the UNESCO area in Beirut.


saint-elie-btina website

al akhbar Newspaper

National Center for Research and Development website

discoverlebanon website

destinationlebanon website

facebook of the school

schoolnet website


(wezart al tarbya w al taaleem al aali) book





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