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About the city


• Beirut is the political capital of the Republic of Lebanon and its biggest city. Its population exceeds two million, according to 2007 statistics.

• It is located in the middle of the Lebanese coastline in the eastern Mediterranean. Most of the vital facilities of industry, trade and services are in it.

• It is considered an ancient and old city, as it was mentioned in the Amarna letters which are dated back to the fifteenth century BC, and it has been inhabited since that time.

• Beirut is the Lebanese political center, where most of the political departments such as Parliament and the Presidency of the Government are located, in addition to the centers of most ministries and government departments.

• It plays a major role in the Lebanese economic movement. The city is considered one of the most important cultural influences in the Middle East and the Arab world for its richness in cultural activities such as free press, theatres, publishing houses, art galleries, museums and a large number of international universities.

• The city has gone through many disasters, including earthquakes and wars throughout history, the last of which was the devastating Lebanese civil war. After the end of the war in 1990, during the government of the then Prime Minister of Lebanon Rafik Hariri, the state rehabilitated the city, especially its commercial center and sea front, which restored the sparkle of its tourism and made it a tourist destination.

• The New York Times ranked Beirut first among its list of places to visit in 2009, and it was ranked among the top ten most vibrant cities in 2009 by the Lonely Planet Tourist Guide.