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About the city


• The province of Hama is one of the oldest inhabited areas in the world. Its history dates back to the first stone ages, estimated at seven thousand years, with an area of 8,883 km 2.

• The name refers to the castles and forts. In some of the eastern languages, the fortresses are called "Hamamat" and the name of the city is derived from the citadel.

• Geography of Hama: Hama Governorate is geographically located in the center of the Syrian Arab Republic, bordered on the north by Aleppo, Idlib, and on the west by Latakia and Tartous. It is located on the eastern side of Al-Raqqa Governorate and Homs Governorate. It is bordered on the southern side by Homs Governorate. The region also has a variety of topography: the coastal plains, the valleys, mountain heights, Forests, and springs.

• As for the Syrian coast, it is 210 km away from it, and the passage of the river Al-Asi from the city given great importance as a crossing point to move between the Syrian regions, in addition to supplying water houses and facilities by Naweir (waterwheels) for distribution to orchards and irrigation. According to history, the territory of the province was the home of primitive man, and this was confirmed by the tools and artifacts found there.

• Climate: It is characterized by a diverse and varied climate between the regions of the province, where the summer climate is refreshing summer, moderate climate in the plains and the warm climate in the mountains. 

• The population of Hama: Hama is one of the largest governorates in Syria in terms of the fourth-class population, with a population of about 2.1 million. The official language of the population is Arabic. The population is Muslim, which accounts for 92% of the population, and Christianity, which accounts for 8% of the population.

• Hama administrative division: "Hama province" is divided into eleven cities, and to five areas, to a large number of villages, towns and farms, are as follows:

The cities are: Hama, Souran, Altamneh, Hilalaya, Salameh, Kafarzita, Maharada, Taybeh al-Imam, Sahlab and al-Siklibia.

- Their areas are: Hama, Mahrada, Al-Ghab Plain, Masyaf, and Salamya.

_ The towns: Ayu, Awaj, Taldara, Sha'an, Ain Halaqim, Reda, Saboura, Qalqat Al Middiq, Buri Al Sharqi, Qahmana and Wadi Al Oyoun.

- From its villages: Kawkab, Rabiah, Deir Mamma, Sheikh Hilal, Tal Qaratal, Kafr Hod, Bayadiya, Baerin, Tirmisa, Deir Shmeil, Asharana, Baerin, Beit Natar, Khirbat Al-Hjamah and Nisaf. 

- Farms: are: Btish, Umm Khraiza, Rishi, Jalma, and Bqsq.

• The historical monuments of Hama: Among the monuments of the historical "Hama Governorate":

- " Waterwheels: The city of Hama is famous for having seventeen waterwheels which are constantly moving wooden water machines that spread over the shores of the Orontes River and play an important role in transporting water from the Asi River to an upper basin. In turn, the water flows into channels that are carried by arches to be distributed to the city and its orchards. The largest diameter of waterwheel is about 22.5 meters.

- "Shayzar Castle" located along the Orontes River, which was built in the late fourth century BC, and was named "Larisa" in the Seleucid era.

- "Castle Masyaf" built by the Romans in the year forty-four BC.

- " Shamamis Castle" located in the city of Salamya, and built by princes Shamsifram.

- Mirza Castle, a Byzantine fortress built in the late 10th century AD.

- The castle of Hama, located on the Orontes River from the western side, and history mentions that the Seleucids built it first. The castle is located in the center of the city of Hama. It is an important historical tourist destination, so the Ministry of Tourism paid special attention to it and planted it and established large parks in it, dating back to 6000 BC.

- The Grand Mosque is located to the south-west of the citadel in the city district. The mosque has been transformed into three different civilizations in the language and religion: pagan, then Christian, Islamic. This mosque is considered the fifth mosque built in Islam, and it houses the tombs of the two Ayyubid kings (Al-Mansur and Al-Muzaffar).

- Al-Nuri Mosque: The Al-Nuri Mosque was built in the year one hundred and sixty-three AD. It includes a very beautiful antique Minbar, and it has a square shaped minaret.

- "Mosque of Abu al-Fida" built by the historian Ismail Abu al-Fida, who is the king of Hama in 1326 AD.

- The National Museum, Museum of Folk Traditions, Hammam and Khans.