Saint George Greek Orthodox Cathedral

About the place

  • Country : Lebanon , Beirut

  • Address : Beirut, Lebanon

  • Category : Places of Worship

  • Establishing Date : 450 AD

  • founder : Byzantine Emperor “Theodosius II

Saint George Greek Orthodox Cathedral


St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral" is a church that is considered the seat of the Greek Orthodox Metropolitan in Beirut and its dependencies.

It is the oldest church in the city, located near Nejmeh Square in the Lebanese capital, Beirut.

Historic overview:

This church was built on the ruins of the “Anastasi” Church by a decision of the Byzantine Emperor “Theodosius II.” The work was carried out by the Bishop of Beirut “Astathios” in 450 AD. It was built near the Law School, which was founded by “Justinian I.”

It was destroyed by an earthquake in 551 AD and it was rebuilt during the twelfth century.

In 1759 AD, it was destroyed by another earthquake that hit the area, to be rebuilt again with one altar dedicated to "St. George", but it collapsed after 3 years, it was rebuilt in its current form in 1772 AD and became with three altars.

In the modern era, it was burned and destructed during the Lebanese Civil War, but after the end of the war, excavations and exploration campaigns were launched, then it was restored and opened in 2003 AD, and a museum was opened under the church in 2010 AD, displaying ancient mosaics and burials.


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