The Cathedral of Notre Dame of Lausanne

About the place

  • Country : Switzerland , Lausanne

  • Address : Place de la Cathédrale, 1005 Lausanne

  • Category : Places of Worship

  • Establishing Date : between 1170 and 1240 AD

The Cathedral of Notre Dame of Lausanne

La Cathédrale de Lausanne


The Cathedral of Notre Dame is one of the ancient Gothic monuments in Lausanne, Switzerland. It is one of the most important places of tourism in Lausanne, and one of the most important Swiss tourist attractions in general.

Historic overview:

It was built between 1170 and 1240 AD, it is the queen of the old town "Lausanne" surrounded by the old city of Lausanne, including the "Maire Castle", which was built between 1397-1427 AD, and "Al Tower" which was built in 1340 AD, and the "Bishop Castle Tower" In "Ouchy", which dates back to the 12th century; It is the last remains of the medieval city wall, and it contained 50 towers.

Architectural description:

It was built in a unique artistic style as this landmark attracts the interest of architecture lovers as it is the most beautiful cathedral in Switzerland and one of the tourist attractions in Lausanne.

How to get there:

Bus: Riponne, Bessières

Metro: Riponne-Maurice Béjart, Bessières


Official Website

Tripadvisor website

Urtrips website

Travelerpedia website

Saaih website

Switzerland Tourism website








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