Saint George Maronite Cathedral

About the place

  • Country : Lebanon , Beirut

  • Address : Beirut, Lebanon

  • Category : Places of Worship

  • Establishing Date : 19th century AD

Saint George Maronite Cathedral


Saint George Maronite Cathedral, dates back to the 19th century AD.

Architectural description:

It is considered the tallest church in Beirut, with a height of about 72 meters.

A huge cross lit up the church tower at night.

Historic overview:

The process of constructing the "St. George" bell tower took about 10 years to become a landmark of the Lebanese capital next to the minaret of the "Mohammed Al-Amin Mosque" which is equivalent in length.

The church and mosque are located near the front line that divided Beirut to the east, where the Christians lived, and the west, where the Muslims lived during the Lebanese civil war.


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