Café Pouchkine Qatar

About the place

  • Country : Qatar , Doha

  • Address : Café Pouchkine Qatar, Doha, Qatar

  • Category : Restaurants

Café Pouchkine Qatar


- Café Pouchkine is a distinguished restaurant and cafe serving tea and patisserie. It was established in Moscow in 1999, until it became more like a museum for tasting luxury patisserie. Today, Ali Bin Ali Hospitality is proud to add Pushkin Café to its Qatar portfolio.

- Whether you choose snacks at Café Pouchkine, tuna tartare, or beef stroganoff, you will enjoy a unique experience.

- As for the afternoon tea sessions at Café Pouchkine, they have their own unique origins, as this café understands the sense of elegance that this session calls for, and offers the best of the finest quality tea whether you want to enjoy it in the café or on the go, ensuring you a complete experience with a variety of premium teas and coffees, served with delicious cakes, meringues, macaroons, mini sandwiches, and patisserie.


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