Radwani House - Msheireb Museums

About the place

  • Country : Qatar , Doha

  • Address : Msheireb Museums, Doha, Qatar

  • Category : Museums

Radwani House - Msheireb Museums


First built in the 1920s‭, ‬this house is located between Al-Jasrah and Msheireb‭, ‬two of Doha’s oldest quarters‭. ‬‬‬

‬The restored house presents traditional Qatari family life and provides visitors an insight into how family life evolved in Qatar over the years.

While touring Al-Radwani's house, you can get an idea of the changes brought about to family life by the discovery of oil and the arrival of electricity‭ in the State of Qatar.‬

‬You can also earn how families were‭ ‬closely connected and how they spent their daily lives before the advent of modern day conveniences‭.‬‬‬

Excavation works carried out by archaeologists at Radwani House constituted the very first archaeological digs in the centre of‭ ‬the city‭. ‬These excavations have produced a number of important finds which provide some clues to the daily life during those times‭.‬‬‬


The museum's official website







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