Doi Chang

About the place

  • Country : Thailand , Chiang Rai

  • Address : Doi Chang, Wa Wi, Mae Suai District, Chiang Rai 57180, Thailand

  • Category : Plains and Mountains

Doi Chang


Doi Chang is a mountainous region famous for its coffee production. The area was once home to opium cultivation and trade, but thanks to a royal project initiated by King Rama IX to improve people's livelihood and reduce the illegal cultivation of drugs in the area, hill tribe farmers were encouraged to grow winter crops instead of opium, and Arabica coffee plants were one of the winter crops which was provided for this project.

Today Doi Chang coffee is one of the most famous coffees in the world and the best in Thailand. When you climb to the top of the mountain, you will be able to see the coffee plantations and discover the stages of their cultivation and processing, and of course, taste and buy coffee, and you can also meet the hill tribes who live there.


safarway website

Image source: Google Maps

Owner: prem pb 







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