Doi Mae Salong

About the place

  • Country : Thailand , Chiang Rai

  • Address : Doi Mae Salong, Mae Salong Nok, Mae Fa Luang District, Chiang Rai 57110, Thailand

  • Category : Plains and Mountains

Doi Mae Salong


Doi Mae Salong is one of the main attractions in Chiang Rai Province.

In 1961, Doi Mae Salong Mountain became home to a Chinese military contingent who settled in it. It is also home to many hill tribe settlements. Near its summit, visitors will find many tea plantations and picturesque tea houses.

The mountain is particularly crowded from November to February when temperatures dip below 20 degrees and tourists from the rest of Thailand flock to it to enjoy its cool weather.


safarway website

Image source: Google Maps

Owner: Beer Kulsawet







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