Safir Mosque

About the place

  • Country : Algeria , Algiers

  • Address : Rue des Frères Bachara, Casbah, Algeria

  • Category : Mosques

Safir Mosque


Safir Mosque is an ancient mosque located in Casbah in Algiers.

The designation of Safir Mosque by this name was due to the name of Safar bin Abdullah, the most senior leader of the Ottoman marine community in Algeria during the rule of Barbarossa brothers, Safar Ibn Abdullah, who is of Ottoman origin, entered Islam at the hands of Hayreddin during his reign from 1518 AD to 1534 AD, when the ruling system during that period was religious.

Leader Safar bin Abdullah supervised the financing of the construction of this mosque, as it was built within a period of nine months. This mosque carried its old name the Leader Safar bin Abdullah Mosque before it was renamed Safir Mosque.


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