Babel Lebanese Restaurant

About the place

  • Country : Kuwait , Kuwait City

  • Address : Babel Lebanese Restaurant, Arabian Gulf St, Salmiya, Kuwait

  • Category : Restaurants

Babel Lebanese Restaurant


- Babel Lebanese Restaurant is one of the best famous Kuwaiti restaurants, as it serves delicious Lebanese dishes that attract a large number of residents of the city and Arab visitors. It offers outdoor seating. Reservations should be made in advance and heat checks are required to keep visitors safe.

- Its atmosphere is suitable for families and large groups, as it enjoys stunning sea views and exquisite decorations, so this restaurant will be one of the first distinctive options for those who are looking for relaxation and dining in an atmosphere of nature.

- The restaurant is open to visitors all days of the week from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.


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kuntent website

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