Mekarsari Fruit Garden

About the place

  • Country : Indonesia , Puncak

  • Address : Mekarsari Fruit Garden, Mekarsari, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

  • Category : Parks and Gardens

Mekarsari Fruit Garden


• The "Mekarsari Fruit Garden" in Puncak Mekarsari is the largest tropical fruit garden in the world, its opening dates back to 1990 AD. It includes thousands of varieties of plants, and the number of trees in it is estimated at 37 thousand fruit trees, including yellow and red watermelons, cherries, mangoes and pineapples.

• The "Mekarsari Fruit Garden" in Puncak extends over an area of approximately 260 square kilometers, and the main objective of its establishment was to introduce visitors to the many types of tropical fruits that are grown and produced in Indonesia, and to explain how they are grown and dealt with in different seasons of the year.

• The "Mekarsari Fruit Garden" provides the possibility to take a walk among its surroundings, provides information on the existing fruits, and conducts studies and research to develop its types and the possibility of cultivation in other countries.

• "Mekarsari Park" contains, in addition to fruits and plants, a beautiful artificial lake with small boats for rent that allow visitors to take a tour of the lake, and there are places for children to play.


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