AL Sahiba School

About the place

  • Country : Syria , Damascus

  • Address : Al Sahiba School, Damascus, Syria

  • Category : Educational Centers

  • Establishing Date : 628 AH / 1231 AD

AL Sahiba School


• It is the largest Islamic school in "Damascus", and the last thing that was built in "Damascus" by the relatives of Sultan Al-Nasir "Saladin Al-Ayyubi". It was established according to the Hanbali school of thought.

• It was built in Rajab 628 AH / 1231 AD

• It is located outside the walls of the old city of Damascus at the foot of Mount Qasioun from the east in the area of “Al-Salihiya” in the “Rukn Al-Din” neighborhood currently, bordered to the east by the “Al-Ruknia” school, and to the west by the Sheikh “Abdul Ghani Al-Nabulsi” mosque and adjacent to the “Abu Al-Nour” mosque. ".

Historic overview:

• It was established by "Rabiah Khatun" and her nickname is "Al-Sahiba", and she is the youngest of the children of "Najm al-Din Ayoub".

• It was built for Sheikh "Abdul-Rahman Al-Nasih Bin Al-Hanbali" to teach in it.

• It was called "Al-Sahiba School", and some of them said "Al-Sahibiya", and some said "Al-Salahiya" or "Al-Nasihiyah", and it was granted to teach jurisprudence according to the Hanbali school of thought.

• Al-Sahiba, may God have mercy on her, died in the year (643 AH) / (1244 AD), and was buried in her school.

• This steadfast school is still performing its educational function since its inception to this day.

• The Directorate of Endowments of the City of Damascus attempted to maintain it as a school, and it was leased to the Syrian Ministry of Education.

Architectural description:

• The school as a whole is composed of four iwans, and on the northern facade there is a row of three arches of equal height, and on the southern side of it there is the main iwan, which is the center of the school and is surrounded by windows that overlooked the garden and the Yazid River and from it overlooking the city of “Damascus”.


Al dares fi tarekh Al Madares, by Al-Nuaimi.

An article by researcher Imad Al-Armshi website

lovedamascus website

alwaei magazine




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