Al Shadhbkiya School

About the place

  • Country : Syria , Damascus

  • Address : Al Shadhbkiya School, Damascus, Syria

  • Category : Educational Centers

  • Establishing Date : 1437 AD

  • founder : Prince Seif El-Din Shadhi Bey

Al Shadhbkiya School


• It is called Al-Shadhbekiya School, Al-Shadhbakliya, or Al-Shabakliya School.

• Al-Shadhbakliya school has been mentioned in many historical literature under the name of the “Shadh Bey” school, and the name was distorted in the Levantine vernacular as the people of the Levant pronounce it (Al-Shabakliya school), which is, of course, “Al-Shadhbakliya school” in relation to its origin, Prince Seif al-Din Shadhi Bey.

Historic overview:

• It was built by Prince Seif El-Din Shadhi Bey in the year 1437 AD, and it is currently in the Qanawat neighborhood.

• The building of the school was renovated during the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Mahmoud II in 1232 AH / 1816 AD during the mandate of the governor Ali Pasha, the late Hajj Ahmed Al-Moura Lee supervised this renovation from his own money. Then, after the renovation, the impact of the school and the study room disappeared, and it became a mosque known as the Al-Shabakliya Mosque.

• The building was renewed again in 1407 AH / 1986 AD, then the building was beautifully restored and the Al-Shadbekiya Mosque was reopened at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

Architectural description:

• The school is considered one of the schools of the late Mamluk era in the Levant, and it has originality in design, art and decoration, which makes it a model for the arts of that era in architecture and decoration. It was very beautiful, and the school's design scheme is innovative, in addition to beauty and perfection in construction, especially in the construction of muqarnas.

• After its construction, the school has become an architectural model to emulate. This is what made the engineers derive from it many elements in the architecture of graves and Arab homes that were popularly built in the city of Damascus at that time.


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