Kurdish Cemetery

About the place

  • Country : Syria , Damascus

  • Address : The Kurdish Cemetery, Abu Al-Nour Mosque, Dar Al-Rahma, Damascus, Syria

  • Category : Tombs

Kurdish Cemetery


- The Ayyubid Kurds Cemetery is a shrine located between Shamdeen Square and Abi Al-Nour Mosque in the Kurdish neighborhood. It consists of a shrine, an archaeological building topped by a dome and containing two large tombs, the first of Muhammad ibn Ayyub, one of the martyrs of the wars against the “Crusaders,” and the second of his brother Saleh, who died in 637 AH. It is known that the building was built during the time of King Al-Ashraf in the thirties of the seventh century AH, and the building was renewed by the governor of Damascus during the reign of Sultan Selim I. This shrine is registered in the Directorate of Antiquities, and tourists come to it from all the world.


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