Sabil of Al Shazbakiyah school

About the place

  • Country : Syria , Damascus

  • Address : Al Shazbakiyah Mosque, Damascus, Syria

  • Category : Baths and Sabil

Sabil of Al Shazbakiyah school


• The mihrab of the school's sabil (the watering can) is located on the eastern front of the school.

Architectural description:

• It was fed by the Qanawat River. It closely resembles the shape of the main gate. It is a small gate arched with a pointed arch.

• It has a stone panel engraved with the inscriptions dated to the sabil, and at the bottom there is also a course of beautiful black and white stones, on both ends of which are two round solar panels, the right of which is shared between the sabil and the main gate of the school.


Researcher Imad Al-Armshi's article on







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