Sabil of Darwish Pasha's Turbah

About the place

  • Country : Syria , Damascus

  • Address : Darwish Pasha Mosque, Aal Al Bait, Damascus, Syria

  • Category : Baths and Sabil

Sabil of Darwish Pasha's Turbah


• Darwish Pasha Mosque was built in the Ottoman period.

• It consists of a group of buildings «Al-Turbah, the school, the library, the Sabil and the Bazaar market»; Its  establishment was started by the Ottoman governor of Syria, Darwish Pasha Rustom, in the same year that he was appointed as governor of the Levant in the year 979 AH / 1571 AD, and it was completed in the year 982 AH / 1574 AD.

• It is located in the old city of Damascus, adjacent to its western walls, in the area of Qanawat Jadah, Al-Darwishiyyah alley, north of the Al-Sibaiya School Mosque and south of the Darwish Pasha Mosque.

Architectural description:

• The Turbah is surrounded by a nice wall on its main eastern side, which is composed of two parts: the southern part is metallic and the northern part is stone built of white and black stone, and it is bisected by the block of the external entrance and the sabil, which is emphasized by the height of their facade from the rest of the facade.

• The sabil is placed in a cavity 1,80 m wide within a pointed arch of ablaq (white and black) stone, topped by a band of geometric decorations. It contained a historical introductory plaque which has three verses of poetry.

• The water of the sabil is poured into a semi-circular pool of black basalt stone, but the sabil was removed and its back wall was dismantled, and it became enclosed with metal bars.


Awqaf Damascus website

The website of the Syrian Ministry of Awqaf

alriyadh website

zanubya website






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