Sabil of Abu Al-Shamat

About the place

  • Country : Syria , Damascus

  • Address : Qanawat Street, Damascus, Syria

  • Category : Baths and Sabil

  • Establishing Date : 1301 AH / 1883 AD

Sabil of Abu Al-Shamat


• Zawiya of Abu al-Shamat is located in the real estate "Qanawat Jada" area, and this area is registered as a complete segment among the archaeological sites and buildings, while the sabil is opposite the entrance to the Zawiya.

• This sabil dates back to the end of the Ottoman era in 1896 AD, during the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II.

Historic overview:

• Abu Shamat Zawiya was built during the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid II in the year 1301 AH / 1883 AD, and in which the Shadhili Sufi remembrances were held.

Architectural description:

• It has a beautiful external frame, and the prominent facade of the sabil is covered with white marble. It was built with black basalt and white limestone. It has a pointed arch with a carved vegetal lock. On both sides of the sabil, there are two marble columns topped by two Corinthian capitals.

Above the sabil there is a rectangular marble panel on which verses of poetry are inscribed on three lines, each of which is enclosed in a rectangular cartouche.

• The sabil has a ribbed fountain made of Mezzi stone, with a sculpted jar in the middle of it.

• This sabil still preserves most of its original architectural features, with some restoration that has not lost its originality.


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