Hammam Nur Al Din Zengi

About the place

  • Country : Syria , Damascus

  • Address : Nour Eddin Al Shaheed St, Damascus, Syria

  • Category : Baths and Sabil

  • Establishing Date : 565 AH / 1169 AD

  • founder : Sultan "Nur al-Din Al Shaheed"

Hammam Nur Al Din Zengi

Bath of Nur al-Din Zengi


• It is located in the "Al Buzuriyah" market near Khan "Asaad Pasha". It was established by Sultan "Nur al-Din Al Shaheed" in the year 565 AH / 1169 AD.

Historic overview:

• Although there are bathrooms in "Damascus" that date back to the fourth century AH, but it is the most complete and oldest on the one hand, and on the other hand, the location of the bathroom's construction gave it another unique feature, which is its proximity to the Umayyad Mosque.

• The name of the hammam was also associated with the name of its founder, Sultan "Nur al-Din", which gave it an added value.

• It is considered one of the most important tourist baths as it is near to most of the old markets of "Damascus", and it is the only hammam that has continued to work throughout the Islamic period since its construction until now.

• It is now owned by the Directorate of Antiquities and Museums in Damascus. It has been restored by the Directorate and rented to families with a name in these authentic and beautiful professions.

Architectural description:

• It is a huge building with a Mamluk system, with a large dome in the middle and four arches, surrounded by a building to protect it in addition to its aesthetic character, as there are terraces above the ground used inside for changing clothes.

• The bathroom is supplied with water through a private well since its construction until now, and the water was heated in a large bowl and a fire was lit under it. There is a worker nicknamed Baqamimi working in this department, but he has been dispensed with as heating methods has been developed and the entry of electricity to "Damascus". The bathroom has preserved its ancient customs and traditions until now.


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