The Tomb of Suleyman Shah

About the place

  • Country : Syria , Aleppo

  • Address : The Tomb of Suleyman Shah, Syria

  • Category : Tombs

The Tomb of Suleyman Shah

Grabstätte des Sulaiman Schah

Introducing him:

Suleiman Shah bin Qutalmish, he is the great-grandfather of the Ottomans and the grandfather of Sultan Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire, and the origin of Suleiman Shah goes back to the Kayi tribe which is a small tribe, and this tribe headed to Syria in the west to escape from the Mongols and their attacks on them. The leader of the tribe, Suleiman Shah, drowned in the year 1231 AD, along with some of his entourage. His body was not found, and a grave worthy of the leader of the Al-Kayi tribe was established for him at that time.

Current location:

The tomb of Suleiman Shah was moved between three different locations; It was originally located near Jabaar Castle in Raqqa until 1973 AD, when it was moved to the banks of the Euphrates River in Aleppo Governorate, 27 km away from the Turkish border, to avoid floods, then the Turkish government moved the tomb to the west of the city of Ayn al-Arab. Which is also called (Kobani) on the Syrian-Turkish border in 2008


"Tarekh Al Dawla Al Othmaniya" by Ali Al-Sallabi.

Al Jazeera news website.




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