Cinarcik Resort

About the place

  • Country : Turkey , Yalova

  • Address : Çınarcık, Yalova, Turkey

  • Category : Urban Facilities

Cinarcik Resort


"Çınarcık Resort" is one of the most beautiful tourist place in Yalova city, it has charming and attractive nature that attracts thousands of tourists annually.

"Chenarcik" has many historical places that date back to the era of the Byzantine state and the Ottoman Empire, it is considered one of the best tourist places in Yalova. 

The resort is also known as "Chenarcik Corniche" as it is a long beach and extends to a small city with a population of 9 thousand people. Its population double 4 to 5 times in the summer as many tourists visit it.

The "Chenarcik Corniche" extends along Marmara Sea Coast. Most of the resort is a rocky beaches, except the western side, is a sandy beach that provides tourists with a wonderful sessions to relax under the sun.

Location of "Cinarcik Resort"

Çınarcık is located in Yalova Province, 15 minutes away from Termal Village in Yalova, Turkey.



Omallqura website

Tournaa website

Urtrips website 

Adwhit website





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