Pulau Indah

About the place

  • Country : Malaysia , Selangor

  • Address : Pulau Indah 42000 Pulau Indah, Selangor, Malaysia

  • Category : Islands and Beaches

Pulau Indah


Pulau Indah is an island located in Kelang district in Selangor that has the biggest port in Malaysia. Pulau Indah island is one of the most beautiful islands that tourist visits. The island is tied to the mainland by two bridges; one of them ties the island to the city, the other ties the island to Carey island and Teluk Panglima Garang island. the island does not only have the biggest port in Malaysia but also has Pulau Indah industrial park that had swamps until 1999.


Urtrips website

Omallqura website

Tourna website





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