Hamid bin Hamad bin Ruzaiq

About the place

The poet Hamid bin Hamad bin Ruzaiq

His Name:

Hamid bin Muhammad bin Ruzaiq bin Bakhit Al-Abaidani, born in (1198 AH - 1783 AD), in Nakhal town, in South Al Batinah Governorate in Oman.

His Life:

He grew up in Masqat, in high standard of living, his grandfather worked in customs.

He lived at the time of the disintegration of Al-Busaid dynasty due to the power struggles between ruling family members.

He worked as financial administrator in Masqat Port he also was a companion for Members from Royal family. He met with two old-age scholars; Sheikh bin Salem Al-Sayeghi Al-Nakhli and Sheikh Nasser bin Hamid Al-Badai Al Nakhli, in Nakhal town and they provided him with a lot of information. 

Situations in his life:

He wrote about the lineages of Al-Azd and Adnan tribes in pre-Islamic aslo wrote about the islmaic history, the companions and followers, Biography of the Prophet, Abbasid state and wrote in Arabic poetry and literature in pre-Islamic and Islam era.

He has five Collection of poems and different poems.

His work:

He wrote about Al-Busaid dynasty “ the royal family”  and registered its glory in his poems.

His death:

He died in his town in (1291 AH - 1857 AD).


“Ibn Ruzaiq, Almuarikh Al-Omani" by Muhammad Morsi Abdullah, Altarikh al-Arabe Mag.

“Hamid bin Muhammad bin Ruzaiq (1198-1291 AH / 1783-1874 AD) w dawroh fi kitabat alttarikh Al-Omani” By Abdullah bin Saud bin Hamad, Bawabt Al-shuaraa website.


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