Chellalat El Adhaoura

About the place

  • Country : Algeria , Other Algerian Sites

  • Address : Chellalat El Adhaoura, Algeria

  • Category : Urban Facilities

Chellalat El Adhaoura


• Chellalat El Adhaoura is a mountainous Algerian city located in the High Plateaus, about 140 km south of the country's capital in particular.

• The city includes three municipalities, namely Cheniguel, Aïn Ou Ksir, and Tafraout, and it is called by several names, including the jewel of the high plateaus because it contains the most beautiful landscapes in Algeria, and the city of chellalat because of the abundance of springs and waterfalls in it, and there are Roman and Ottoman archaeological houses in it.


Urtrips website

Echoroukonline website







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