Sidi Lakhdar Ben Khlouf Mausoleum

About the place

  • Country : Algeria , Mostaganem

  • Address : Sidi Lakhdar, Algeria

  • Category : Celebrities Sites

Sidi Lakhdar Ben Khlouf Mausoleum

Mausolée Sidi Lakhdar Ben Khlouf


• Sidi Lakhdar bin Khlouf is one of the most famous and eldest righteous worshipers and his real name is Abu Muhammad Lakhal bin Abdullah bin Khallouf al-Maghraoui. He was born within the year 899 AH (1479 AD) and died in the year 1024 AH corresponding to (1585 AD), descended from the Zaafariya tribe. He lived for 125 years and six months, most of which he spent in the town of Mezghrane, and he is considered one of the seven guards of Mostaganem. He is loved and very popular in the entire Maghreb region, thanks to his poems, whose fame transcends the borders of his hometown and even Algeria.

• Ibn Khlouf married a woman named Gnu, who is the daughter of the righteous worshiper, Sidi Afif, the brother of Sidi Yaqoub al-Sharif, who is buried in the west of the city of Sidi Ali. He was blessed with a girl named Hafsa, and four males are (Ahmed, Muhammad, Aba Al-Qasim, and Al-Habib), and they are all the names of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

• Ibn Khlouf made popular poetry or what is known as melodic poetry reachable to everyone. He also introduced the elders of this art, such as Maghraoui, Majdoub, Najjar, Sidi Muammar and others, as he is considered one of the seven guards of Mostaganem.

• Sidi Lakhdar bin Khlouf is an important reference for a distinct era in the history of the Algerian state, which is claimed by the Spanish colonialism with its Crusader tendency, through the accurate description of the events in two poems in which he narrates what happened in the battles that he personally fought against the Spanish invaders.


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