Elkantara Gate Bridge

About the place

  • Country : Algeria , Constantine

  • Address : Oued Rhumel, Constantine, Algeria

  • Category : Urban Facilities

Elkantara Gate Bridge

Pont de porte Elkantara


Elkantara Gate Bridge, which is the oldest remaining bridges, dates back to the Roman era, and in the year 1792 AD, during the Ottoman presence in Algeria, the governor of the city, Salih Bey, decided to build it again.

In the year 1836 AD, that is, 5 years after the French invasion of Algeria, the invaders arrived at the outskirts of the city of Constantine and tried to blow up the gate of Elkantara Bridge and were repelled by the resistance, but the invaders succeeded in occupying the city in 1937 AD. In the year 1857 AD the bridge collapsed during the passage of a large convoy of infantry of the French army, the French rebuilt Elkantara Gate Bridge and returned it to life in the year 1863 AD, and it continues to this day linking the two banks of the city.


Radioalgerie.dz website

Maghrebvoices website





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