The Roman Aqueduct of Constantine

About the place

  • Country : Algeria , Constantine

  • Address : Aqueduc romain, N5, Constantine, Algeria

  • Category : Urban Facilities

The Roman Aqueduct of Constantine

l'aqueduc romain de Constatine


• What attracts the visitor the most to the city of Constantine are the Roman aqueduct that are still in the middle of the city and can be seen in all corners of the city, noting that these Roman aqueduct date back to the Roman era.

• It is located on the road leading to chaabat erssas, and the water flowing within these aqueducts passed from the source of Boumerzoug and from Fusqia (Mount Gereon) to the reservoirs and tanks in Kadia Aati in the city, and this landmark is a sign of Roman civilization.


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