Bounoura Palace – Atbounour

About the place

  • Country : Algeria , Ghardaia

  • Address : Rue de la Palestine, Ghardaïa, Algeria

  • Category : Palaces and Castles

Bounoura Palace – Atbounour


• Bounoura Palace was established in the eleventh century AD, 1048 AD, at the top of the hill, at the bottom of which intersects the valley of M'zab with one of its tributaries, Azweel Valley.

• Like all palaces of the M'zab Valley, Bounoura Palace is surrounded by vast tombs that occupy large areas, and it has an important place in the collective memory.

• It is located in the middle of the first nucleus of Bounoura Palace, a mosque, the mosque was founded in the 11th century AD, and the size of the mosque and its minaret is smaller than the mosques of other palaces, in proportion to the size of the palace that was established. The old palace is in the form of ruins, because of the migration of the majority of its inhabitants several centuries ago to Malika Palace, after internal conflicts, and due to many factors, including the migration of residents, natural factors and the age of the building, the condition of the mosque has deteriorated and parts of it have collapsed. However, with the restoration of awareness among the residents of the palace and the concerted efforts of experts and engineers, a volunteer campaign "Twiza" was organized to restore it. Through the use of traditional building techniques and local materials retrieved from the site, and an in-depth study of the mosque’s architecture and structure, it enabled this landmark to be rehabilitated and reformatted to its original form.


Urtrips website

Atmzab website website

Al-ain website










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