Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Abd al-Qadir al-Mazini

About the place

  • Country : Egypt , Menufia

  • Address : Kom Mazen, Tala, Menofia Governorate, Egypt

  • Category : Celebrities Sites

Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Abd al-Qadir al-Mazini


Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Abd al-Qadir al-Mazini was born in (1308 AH - 1890 AD), he is a renovated scholar and one of the great writers. He was distinguished by a good preamble style, in which the joke goes out laughing at itself, and in which the loud and violent campaign hardens.  He was attributed to (Kom Mazin) from Menofia, Egypt, and his birth and death were in Cairo.

He was one of the most brilliant people in translating from English. He composed poetry, and he has innovative meanings, some of which he borrowed from Western literature, then he preferred to take rid of the chains of rhymes, so he turned to prose. He read a lot of Arabic and English literature, and he was eager to read, and he mentioned that he memorized (Al-Kamil by Al-Mubarrad) in his youth by heart, and that was the secret of richness in his language.

He worked in journalism and was a member of the Arab Academy in Damascus and the Arabic Language Academy in Cairo. And he had books, including (Hasad Al Hashem) articles, and (Ibrahim al-Katib) two parts, a story, and (qabd al reeh) and (sandoq al donia) and (diwan shear) two small parts, and (rehlat al Hejaz) (Bashar bin Barad).

He died - may God have mercy on him - (1368 AH - 1949 AD)


Al-Alam by Al-Zarkali 71/1





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