Ibrāhīm ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Bājūrī

About the place

  • Country : Egypt , Menufia

  • Address : El-Bagour, El-Bagour City, El-Bagour, Menofia Governorate

  • Category : Celebrities Sites

Ibrāhīm ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Bājūrī


Sheikh Al-Faqih Ibrahim bin Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Bagouri, is the Sheikh of Al-Azhar Mosque and one of the Shafi’i jurists, and wrote many footnotes.

El-Bagour: From the villages of Menofia, in Egypt, he was born and raised in it. He passed away - may God have mercy on him - in 1860 A.D.


Al-Alam by Al-Zarkali 71/1





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