Idris, peace be upon him

About the place

  • Country : Egypt , Giza

  • Address : Mit Rahinah, Al Badrashin, Giza Governorate

  • Category : Celebrities Sites

Idris, peace be upon him

Historic overview:

• The elders differed in his birth and origin. One group said he was born in Egypt and called him “Hermes Al Harama,” and he was born in Memphis and another group said: Idris was born in Babylon and in it he grew up.

Current location:

• The city of Memphis is one of the ancient Egyptian cities known as Manfar or Memphis, was classified as one of the world heritage cities, and was established in the year 3200 BC.

• It is located near Saqqara area, on the southern side of the capital Cairo, nineteen kilometres from it, and the city was known as the White Wall (Al Gedar Al Abyad).


Atlas tarekh Al Anbyaa w Al Rosol, by Sami Al-Maghlouth, p. 71





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