El Kantara

About the place

  • Country : Algeria , Biskra

  • Address : El Kantara, Algeria

  • Category : Urban Facilities

El Kantara


The charming town of Kantara, a two-hour drive from Biskra, is known as the mouth of the desert (fam alsahara'), which leads you to the valley road through the stunning stone cliffs and palm orchards, beside the rock walls and ghost villages, passing by the Roman bridge across Wadi Al-Hay that the Bedouins used to transport their caravans to the green pastures in the past in the north.

The Red Village, located in the western part of Kantara, is an open-air museum that includes traditional houses, and the Lapidari Museum in Kantara includes a collection of stone artworks, statues, and pottery found in Roman ruins throughout the region.


Urtrips website

Echoroukonline website

Annasronline website





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