Hammam Salihine

About the place

  • Country : Algeria , Biskra

  • Address : Hammam Salihine, Biskra, Algeria

  • Category : Baths and Sabil

Hammam Salihine


One of the most important tourist areas in Biskra, and one of the most famous mineral baths in Algeria, which dates back to Roman times, and was a center of rest for Roman leaders and princes and its hot waters has a high ability to treat many diseases.

Hammam Salihine in Biskra is still the first destination for everyone who visit the region, as the water of Hammam Salihine has proven its benefit in treating many chronic diseases, especially which are related to rheumatism, skin and respiratory diseases and even gynecological diseases. 


Urtrips website

Radioalgerie.dz website

Medmem website

Albayan website






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