David-Peace be upon him- (Jebus- yabous)

About the place

  • Country : Palestine , Jerusalem

  • Address : Jerusalem, Palestine

  • Category : Celebrities Sites

David-Peace be upon him- (Jebus- yabous)

Historic overview:

• Jebus was the capital of the Jebusites, one of the Canaanites clans. It was impossible for the Israelites to conquer it, so they asked a prophet of theirs to send them a king to fight under his banner, so David, peace be upon him, was able to enter it and conquer it. 

Current location:

• The city of Jerusalem is located in the center of Palestine, about 60 km east of the Mediterranean and about 35 km west of the Dead Sea, 250 km north of the Red Sea, 88 km west of Amman, 388 km south of Beirut, 290 km southwest of Damascus.


Atlas tarikh al-anbiya wa-al-rusul by Sami Abd Allah Maghluth, page 158

Aljazeera.net website












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