The Shami School

About the place

  • Country : Tunisia , Tunisia

  • Address : Soula El-Shamaia, Souk El-Balaghia, Tunis, Tunisia

  • Category : Educational Centers

The Shami School


The Shamaa School or Madrasa El Shamaein was the first school that was built in the city of Tunis and even in the countries of the Islamic West, after this type of educational and cultural institutions was known in the East. It is considered one of the historical monuments of the ancient city.

Historical overview:

The construction of this school was ordered by Sultan al-Hafsi (Abu Zakaria Yahya I) in 673 AH / 1274 CE, which is the first school of its kind to be established in the countries of the Maghreb, and historians agree that the Shamami School aims to spread the official doctrine of the state and to form efficient frameworks for administration. 

This school was called Shama’iya, in reference to the Shama’iya market, in which wax from the honeycomb was made to be lit in the nearby religious monuments of mosques.

The result of the Spanish occupation led to the decline of this school and other schools. The Ottoman Turks, after their annexation of Tunisia, restored those schools, including the Shamami School. After independence, it was restored in 1984-1985 and made it a center for teaching handicrafts.









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