Ibrahim, peace be upon him, Ur

About the place

  • Country : Iraq , Other Iraqi sites

  • Address : Ur, Nasiriyah, Iraq.

  • Category : Celebrities Sites

Ibrahim, peace be upon him, Ur

Historical overview:

• Ibrahim, peace be upon him, was born in the land of Ur in southern Iraq, whose people embraced idolatry and were professional in its manufacture during the days of King Nimrod, and his father, Azar, was skilled in the manufacture of these statues.

• The city of Ur gained great fame after a group of royal tombs were discovered there, as these tombs contained many antiquities.

Current location: 

• Ur is the archaeological site of the Sumerian city of Tell el-Muqayyar in southern Iraq.

• Ur is located a few kilometers from the city of Nasiriyah in southern Iraq and 100 miles north of Basra.


Atlas tarikh al-anbiya wa-al-rusul by Sami Abd Allah Maghluth, Page 100.

aljazeera.net website







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