Battle of Guadalete

About the place

Battle of Guadalete


It was a violent battle that lasted for 8 days on the banks of Guadalete valley, The withdrawal of two brigades from the battle led to the defeat of the Visigothic army, in addition to the death of Roderic along with many leaders this led to the brutal defeat of the Goths army on 28 of Ramadan in 92 A.H.

In 93 A.H, Ziyad captured Toledo and send forces to invade cities in Andalusia, he send Mughith al-Rumi with 700 solider to conquest Cordoba. Musa ibn Nusayr led an army of 18,000 solider to support Tariq ibn Ziyad to invade Andalusia from south and west and they entered Uruguay, Barcelona, Toledo and others cities in spain. 

The place of the battle:

It took place at the Guadalete River, in southern Spain, in Province of Cadiz.



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