
About the place

  • Country : Morocco , Tangier

  • Address : Belyounech, Morocco

  • Category : Urban Facilities


Historic overview:

The village of Belyounech is located in the north of Morocco, specifically (7 km) west of the city of Ceuta, and overlooks the Strait of Gibraltar. In short, it is an area of extraordinary beauty and a long history, and it was an aspiration for the Portuguese and Spaniards.

The area is characterized by a breathtaking view when you see the top of the mountain of the Dead Woman, in the most beautiful images of the Creator. The Spaniards who occupy Ceuta call the mountain (la mujer muerta) meaning dead woman. It is the mountain that adjoins the mountain that the great conqueror, Musa bin Nasir - may God have mercy on him - ascended.






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