Faunia Botanical Garden & Zoo

About the place

  • Country : Spain , Madrid

  • Address : Av. Comunidades, 28, 28032 Madrid, Spain.

  • Category : Parks and Gardens

  • Establishing Date : 2001

Faunia Botanical Garden & Zoo


Faunia Botanical Garden & Zoo is located in Madrid, on an area of approximately 14 hectares.

The park was opened in 2001 AD, and it is currently considered one of the most important tourist places in Spain. It includes 700 animal species and nearly a thousand species of plants.

The park also includes several buildings of different designs, a number of lakes, children’s playgrounds, and restaurants, in addition to facilities suitable for people with special needs.

The park hosts some endangered species of aquatic and amphibious animals, many rare insects and reptiles, bird species, and domestic and predatory animals.



Official website


urtrips webiste

tripadvisor website




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