Madrid Zoo Aquarium

About the place

  • Country : Spain , Madrid

  • Address : Casa de Campo, s/n, 28011 Madrid, Spain.

  • Category : Parks and Gardens

  • Establishing Date : 1995

Madrid Zoo Aquarium


Madrid Zoo Aquarium is one of the largest zoos in Spain, opened in 1770, it is over 20-hectare.

It is home to over 5,000 animals of different species and it is one of the few zoos in the world that houses giant pandas. It also contains wolves, giraffes, white tigers, penguins, and others.

In 1995, the first tropical marine aquarium in Spain was built in Madrid Zoo and contributed greatly to enriching the zoological content of the zoo and made it one of the most important tourist places in Madrid. 

The Aquarium holds 30 exhibition tanks that are an interesting glass pyramid, and consists of two floors, it is over 18 metres long, contain more than 330 different marine species as Fish and marine invertebrates. The park also contains Shark tunnel that contains the butterfly chevron Philippines, the fish knife, the Clownfish, the Raya Real Fish Graffiti. 


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